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Posture Stretch 101

Okay, so we all know that your posture can greatly alter your health. I’ve decided to make my first video about the most simple posture awareness exercise out there.

Watch the video and learn something!

Did I mention its just my first one so don’t make fun of the quality of the video too much! It is definitely about the content more than anything. (Sadly, I think this video helped me to let go of the dream of becoming the next Julia Roberts!)


Cure Pain While Sitting

Proper Sitting

rocktapeHave you taken a look at the way your children spend their time sitting when they play? If you’re like a lot of parents, you might just be happy that they are finally sitting down, but the way they are sitting is important!

I primarily want to take a moment and focus on the W sitting. You’ve probably seen kids sitting on their tush, with their knees in front of them, and the feet sticking out on either side.There are a few reason why this is a habit you should break right away!
1. Sensation Development! As you develop there are certain steps that you should go through that allow your body to create healthy movement patterns. These include the way you sit up, the way you roll over, the way you start to crawl and eventually walk. By sitting in the W position you alter the movement patterns you learn. Think of it this way, if you’re sitting on your knees or squatting and you want to reach for a toy, your body will fire in a very predictable way. If you’re sitting in a W, when you go to reach for that toy you will have to use a completely different set of muscles and you will be unable to turn your trunk in a normal pattern.
2. Bone Growth: We all know that kids bones are still growing. At the most important areas for growth their bones are made of a softer, more mobile tissue. If you repeatedly sit in the W pattern, there is a good chance your child may have some changes in the way their bones develop. (I’m a prime example of this actually. My leg bones are definitely twisted!)
3. Long term pelvis position: By changing the bone shape and the pattern in which their muscles fire, you’ll likely see some very serious adaptations in gait. The way a person walks will long affect the way they sit, drive, run, and ultimately may affect their pain patterns.
So from now on, every time you see a child sitting in the W position, take a moment to tell them that its not good for them! Or to chat with their mother! In the long run, the small amount of effort it will take to change these patterns now will save the child a lot of work and pain in the future!
rocktape for safety


Following up on previous KinesioTape discussion, I wanted to share about the different brands, and why I use Rock Tape and their techniques over the KT tape or the KinesioTape brands.

Throughout school, we primarily used a system of taping that involved taping muscles to essentially turn them on or off. The idea being that you can utilize the touch receptors in your skin to cause a change in the muscle associated with that area of skin. I may still use this technique depending on your diagnosis. However since school ended, I have started to become fascinated with the actual movement PATTERNS of the body. This switch in my brain changed after meeting another chiropractor, Megan. We have since become great friends.I’m sure she’ll come up often in the future.

We attended a course held at Duke Integrative PT clinic in Durham that was taught by Perry Nickleston and Rock Tape. The differences between how they use the tape and how I was taught was incredible! Instead of using it to help specific muscles, they factor in a lot of details to help your body alter it’s entire movement pattern. The goal here is to help your body make long term, larger changes to truly STOP the repetitive pain cycle.

I’m not going to go into details about how the tape works. I think its often something you need to experience for yourself, and I’ll definitely explain it as I use it. I guess the point of today’s post is that if you’ve tried tape before, and it hasn’t worked…. maybe its not being applied properly, so let’s try it again!

Speaking at the Chapel Hill Library – I hope you can join us!

UPDATE: Our talk was great! There was a great turnout and everyone left with a truly great understanding of how to be more ergonomic!

Next Month, Dr. Cate is excited be presenting for the HOLISTIC CENTER FOR HEALTH & HEALING, INC.

Mission Statement The Holistic Center for Health and Healing, Inc. exists to enhance individual and community health and wellness through fostering effective collaboration among all healing modalities, through education of practitioners and the public, and through documentation/research of identifiable outcomes.


DATE:                     JULY 2nd, 2014

TIME:                      6:15 PM to 7:15 PM

LOCATION:            Chapel Hill Library
100 Library Drive, Room C

TOPIC:                     Economics of Ergonomics
SPEAKER:               Dr. Cate Niezgoda BS, DC

Born and raised in Buffalo, New York, Dr. Cate graduated from Canisius College and then went on to chiropractic school at National University in Chicago, Illinois.  After finally completing 8 years of higher education she found herself with the common dilemma of where she should start a career. 2 years ago, she found herself relocating to Chapel Hill, North Carolina with her Fiance.  Dr. Cate has become certified in Webster Technique as well as Fascial Movement Taping and has found a passion for women’s health. She continues to learn and educate medical professionals as well as the population of the surrounding counties.

Connect Chiropractic utilizes a one on one, hands on approach to your health care. The goal is to spend time determining the precise cause of your symptoms and then together, determine what the best way to approach your concerns. Today, Dr. Cate will be discussing the Economics of Ergonomics and some simple changes that you could make today to benefit your body immediately and for the long term. She will happily answer any questions you may have about chiropractic care, her education and preventative medicine.

Connect Chiropractic was formed with the simple goal of providing women with comprehensive preventative health care. We want women to look at their healthcare options, understand and feel empowered.

These meetings are free and open to the public and are sponsored by the Holistic Center for Health & Healing, Inc. in partnership with the Chapel Hill Library.

Cross Fit Legacy Series

Do you Crossfit? Do you know someone that does crossfit?
This weekend, June 7th and 8th,
Dr. Cate is excited to be attending the Legacy Series Crossfit event in Raleigh.

We will be spending that time using KinesioTape to help the athletes reach their goals while moving optimally and as safe as possible! If you or someone you know is attending, tell them to stop by for a
FREE rock taping experience!

All spectator proceeds will be going to: MeFine Foundation
The mission of the Me Fine Foundation is to provide hope to critically ill children treated by Children’s Hospitals in North Carolina and their families through financial assistance, emotional support and necessary resources, regardless of race, diagnosis, religious affiliation or economic status.’

Movement Nerd and the World Cup-2014

All month, my house has been revving up for the World Cup. My husband absolutely LOVES soccer and that enjoyment of the sport has become contagious. We now play soccer and watch soccer frequently and I can only imagine our (not yet in existence) children will be learning to play soccer before they learn to walk.

This past weekend my husband had the World Cup games on and I was repeatedly drawn to the amazing way in which the players move. As elite athletes, their entire existence revolves around being able to move with almost absolute perfection. The most interesting part of the games to me are the slow motion replays of when a player is injured. Very common in soccer is a groin pull. Did you know that if you follow the movement planes of the groin, it connects straight up the spine to the jaw?

Next time you’re watching a soccer game and they show a slow motion groin pull, take a look up to their jaw and see if they are clenching it really hard during that moment right before they go down.

I could spend all day talking about the intricacies of movement from the way their ankles are able to plant, rotate and still maintain strength, all the way up to the activation of their neck muscles during that same movement. What I find to be most amazing, is the difference between those elite athletes and the people that I see in my office. I can often watch a person walk in and I can say, which part we ought to address first just based on the way they come into the office. Sometimes, its not quite as obvious and we have to get deeper into the movements with some specific movements and muscle testing.

My point is, how you move is important, regardless of your athletic level. If you have never had an evaluation, you should! It could be the missing link to your chronic or repetitive pain problem.

PS – USA plays tonight! I’m looking forward to evaluating our players!